We’ve collected some common misconceptions about cloud technology and try to highlight that things aren’t always black or white. A lot depends on the circumstances and how much work we are willing to invest in a development or in our own operation. 

We will update the article weekly until the end of the series with our new posts, which we will publish one by one on our social media pages.

Misconception #1: Cloud is always cheaper

Cloud solutions can be cost-effective with proper planning and effort, but merely moving systems to the cloud won’t save money – in fact, without transformation, it often costs more. Sometimes, especially with existing infrastructure, on-prem might be more economical as it avoids ongoing service fees.

Misconception #2: On-prem is always cheaper

Although it is easy to think of on-prem solutions as free after purchasing the server, maintenance and upgrade costs, energy charges, and device obsolescence must be taken into account. It is important to consider all factors in the long term for proper planning.

Misconception #3: With cloud, there is never a service outage

Although cloud service providers promise high availability (the 3 big providers typically have a value above 99.9%), downtime of a few minutes a year can also occur. This is much better than the value found in rented server parks, but not 0. The impact of downtime can be minimized if we set up disaster recovery solutions in data centers in other region.

Misconception #4: Government organizations aren’t allowed to use cloud

Since the service providers already have data centers in many parts of the world, it can be guaranteed that the stored data does not leave the given area (e.g. European Union based on GDPR). In addition, high-level physical and network security protocols ensure the necessary protection. Thus, many state bodies use public cloud services (e.g. CIA, UK government, etc.).

The article was written as part of the Cloud Business Club project.
